Dozens of constructed measures have been developed, but only some have been validated with different subject groups, and the factor structure varied between measures (see Lalomia and Sidowski 1993 for a review of 12 scales developed in 1980s). Rosen and Maguire (1990) included 79 empirical studies (with 66 different measures) in their meta-analysis. Only five measures have been used by more than one researcher. Of these, only three have reported data concerning their factor structure. Only two studies have compared the factor structure of CA between groups. Cross-cultural validation of developed measure is still very rare to date. Given that the concept of computer technology is changing, some new items (e.g. Internet, information highway or national information infrastructure) should be included in a scale for assessing subjects’ living in today’s environment. Therefore, factors extracted from measures developed 10 years ago may not be valid at the present time. In addition, the changing trend may be different between countries.