Physical models include anthropomorphic test devices, widely known as crash dummies. Computationalmodels include occupant kinematics and stress analysis-based finite element analysis research. Human volunteer studies allow monitoring of physiological responses to the external insult at subinjury thresholds. In contrast, in vitro studies are suitable to understand the biomechanics from subinjury to injury-producing load or acceleration levels although physiological evaluations are not incorporated into the experimental design. In vitro studies provide data for the design, development, and validation of biofidelic physical models. In addition, results from carefully designed in vitro experiments serve as validation and verification data for computational models so that parametric simulations can be conducted to better understand the intrinsic biomechanics of structural components potentially involved in injury and pain producing processes. Consequently, with a primary focus on in vitro biomechanical studies, this chapter presents kinetic and anatomical responses of the head and cervical spine, with a focus on applications in clinical, epidemiological, and safety engineering aspects of whiplash injuries. Computational outcomes are also presented. Because it is widely acknowledged that whiplash injury is predominantly rear impact motor vehicle-related [1], the chapter focuses on this loading mode, i.e., posteroanterior acceleration loading.