In the recent years, we have also started witnessing the rise of a novel paradigm-the Internet of Things (IoT), which describes the idea of everyday physical objects being connected to the internet and being able to identify themselves with other devices. While this fosters the idea of “ambient intelligence”, it also introduces new concerns for risks, privacy and security, owing to which trust evaluation becomes imperative in this environment. As the backbone of IoT is the ability to make decisions without human intervention, trust serves as a crucial factor that can support the establishment of reliable systems and secure connectivity. It could help both the infrastructures and services in managing risks by operating in a controlled manner and avoiding unpredicted conditions and service failures. This chapter deals with defining trust and its characteristics, mainly in an online environment and further explores the role of trust evaluation in areas mentioned above such as e-Commerce, Online Social Networks (OSNs) and the Social Internet of Things (SIoT). It looks at the various algorithms, mechanisms and models proposed for trust evaluation in these domains and identifies the major roadblocks that may be encountered during their implementation. Towards the end, it discusses how digitalization, on one hand, may have connected the world, made processes easier, it has also, on the other hand, increased susceptibility to 104fraud, and security breaches making it even more important to overcome challenges to establishing trust online.