The criterion of trust is an important aspect of instilling quality of service (QoS) in the Internet world today. Web services (WS) nowadays are independent, self-contained, and work on disparate platforms, performing tasks that can be simple requests as well as can be the complicated type of business processes and applications. Trust is a personalized service reflecting an individual’s opinion on the QoS. Better is the QoS much better will be the trust paradigm and vice-versa. The internet we-services in data transfer face various security issues of authentication, non-repudiation, confidentiality, etc. Various attacks like black-hole, jamming, flooding, and denial of service (DoS) holds a question mark on QoS, thus loosing trust of user. The new-fangled trust appraisement paradigm evaluated and discussed in this research chapter focuses on QoS accretion, thus denaturing internet through trust. The new-fangled trust-based approach maintains a conviction score for each hub along with the peer-to-peer networks. The coordinator process checks each hubs trust value and generates a key and distributes it across the peer-to-peer web, with trust value more or equal to the threshold value. The path of data transfer with the highest trust value is then selected for transmission. The proposed approach discussed in this chapter demonstrates that trust should be adjusted and improved by tracing the fundamental issues that are being tended in the present usage work.