Diabetes is the fastest growing non-communicable disease that contributes a huge burden on the healthcare system due to its high prevalence and potentially deleterious effects. It is an epidemic in many economically developing nations and high-income newly industrialized nations. Diabetes is characterized by abnormally high blood glucose (hyperglycemia) because of either impairment or destruction of β-cells secreting insulin and the activity of insulin in target cells. Anthocyanin acts through the inactivation of α-amylase and α-glucosidase and thus improving the function of β-cells of islets of Langerhans. Despite health beneficial effects, synthetic drugs result in side-effects, such as flatulence, bloating, diarrhea, etc. This chapter focuses on role of anthocyanin (plant-derived natural colorant) in diabetes therapy. The chapter also deals with methods to increase the bioavailability and process stability of anthocyanins. The chapter further highlights the pleiotropic effects of anthocyanin to control diabetes.