This chapter focuses on Niassa Special Reserve, and discusses the environmental perceptions of a group of students at 16th June General Secondary School in Mecula in relation to its insertion in the area of biodiversity conservation. The reserve is inhabited by a population estimated at more than 60,000 inhabitants, distributed in 40 villages of which 21.342 inhabitants reside in Mecula District. Characterisation of socio-demographic variables corresponds to the first specific objective of this research and constitutes the starting point for environmental perception analysis of the learners involved in the research. The socio-environmental approach or a wide-range approach appears to be important in subjects at General Secondary Schools in Mozambique. Learners mentioned the subjects of Geography, Agro-Livestock and Biology as the ones that deal more with environmental aspects. Concerned with socio-environmental conflicts, it has been concluded that learners have a perception of phobias in relation to wild animals that terrorise the communities.