Qualitative, landscaped mobility infrastructure design as a space-shaping practice has the potential to produce and sustain socio-ecological agency. This article is a theoretical reflection informed by the empirical analysis of mobility infrastructure recent evolution in Brussels-Capital Region. It highlights how the sensory dispositifs of infrastructure design defines the “locomotor efficiency” of the mobility infrastructure and diffuses forms of normativity that make certain practices, some pace, some attentional regimes, some ways of being more or less acceptable. The sensory dispositifs of infrastructure can also trigger specific pleasure and displeasure which have “moral” fruitage. Therefore, mobility infrastructure has the potential to sustain, through the resonance between infrastructure, environment, vehicles and bodies, an increasing ambient sensibility that addresses the crisis of resonance and nourishes the political engagement of mobile actors toward a sustainable future. Through the joyful attachment to the experienced world, it could both increase environmental awareness and sensitivity to ecological issues.