Although the COVID-19 global pandemic has been a burden to millions around the world and curtailed many of the associations and activities normally conducted, in some ways the collaborations for capacity building in occupational hygiene have grown and flourished. Occupational hygienists stepped up to a role in the protection of frontline workers from the SARS-CoV-2 virus and have even made inroads into public and environmental health practices. Meetings that were typically held face-to-face were forced to be held virtually, but the presentations were dynamic and productive, and often, participation was greatly increased over previous years. Above and beyond the collaborations and projects described in earlier chapters of this book, this chapter describes some of the new projects coming up that promise to expand networks of collaboration and increase capacity in occupational safety and hygiene. It is essential that the tripartite organizations moving forward continue to work with and depend upon the NGOs and professional organizations for support and input. The virtual meetings and conferences held during this time of COVID segregation and quarantine will clearly be not only the bridge to more normal times ahead but will also act as a springboard to new projects and collaborations for capacity building moving forward.