Among all the biological control agents, fungal biological control agents are playing a crucial role in this field for its very high specific mode of action against pests. Several fungal genera like Trichoderma spp., Glaiocladium spp., Ampelomyces spp. etc are known to control a wide range of micro-organisms while Verticillium spp., Metarhizzium spp., Beauveria spp. etc are known to control insects. Additionally, it can also affect the growth of several nematodes and weeds. In this chapter, the major group of fungal bio control agents, their identification and taxonomy, life cycle, mode of action and future trends are explained. In addition to this, the fungal genera, its commercial products and the target specific micro-organisms and crops are also described here. In future, more research and studies are required to be carried out by scientists to increase the shelf life and potentiality of fungal bio control agents. The government must create awareness about biopesticides among farmers to increase its use so that a healthy and wonderful environment will be created for us as well as for our off springs.