This chapter focuses on innovative and creative ways of socialising decision enactment once a decision maker has committed to a choice. It identifies novel opportunities for handling this socialisation in a generative way by distributing the decision enactment elements throughout a multisided transaction network where participants on all sides collaborate and transact within an ecosystem. This arrangement extends the traditional, individualised perspective on support for decision enactment, socialising this perspective in theory and practice in a way that enables the effective development of a new generation of decision support systems, offering transaction-provenance decision support platforms.

A case study (“PROFLOURI”) is presented that explores the process by which the enactment of a complex decision to create the “Flouri” ecosystem was constructed using this socialised model. The case study describes and evaluates how the implementation of this ecosystem was supported in practice by WRT Technologies Limited’s Silubi.io multisided trading, provenance-building, and authentication platform.

The chapter describes techniques for storing and exploring provenance within the framework of the World Wide Web Consortium’s Provenance ontology (PROV-O) and how historical provenance threads for both agents and entities, as created within PROV-O, may be woven into a “provenance tapestry.” “Living Provenance” is identified as the key driver here: this combines exploration of historical provenance with anticipation of how the future provenance, of agents and entities within the ecosystem, may be improved, bottom up, through the participants themselves taking creative actions at all levels in the ecosystem.