The chapter presents the main sources of occupational stress and its health consequences among personnel providing care services to patients living in residential care establishments. The Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire II (COPSOQ) has been used to assess psychosocial working conditions and the quality of life. The study results have shown that organizational factors determine the level of job burnout: job burnout correlates significantly with the level of cognitive job demands, emotional job demands, work engagement, quality of leadership and the level of perceived organizational justice and respect for workers.

The practical outcome of the research has been the suggested variety of coping support programs that can be effective for the occupational group analyzed in the study. Stress prevention and reduction measures addressed to workers include such solutions as: participation in stress management training schemes, developing stress-coping and assertiveness skills, and promotion of a healthy lifestyle among workers. The suggested organizational measures have also aimed at alleviating work management constraints, reducing quantitative and qualitative workloads, and lessening interpersonal conflicts, among both workers and customers/patients.