Drought stress inhibits photosynthesis in plants through closing stomata and chlorophyll degradation. It disturbs the balance between the antioxidant defence system and reactive oxygen species (ROS) production. Oxidative stress is created in proteins, membrane lipids and other cellular components by the accumulation of ROS. The mineral elements in plants have numerous functions including maintaining the charge balance, as electron carriers and structural components, in enzyme activity and as a turgor pressure regulator. Integrated plant nutrition management, including the integrated application of chemical and organic fertilizers (such as green manure, crop residues, farmyard manure, compost, biofertilizers), increases the sustainability of crop production and the uptake of water and nutrients by plants, and it improves growth and plant tolerance to drought stress. This strategy plays an important role in the productivity and sustainability of soil and is cost-effective and eco-friendly which benefits farmers and decreases the sole use of fertilizers.