This chapter shows the way ahead to new researches for the concept of universal graceful graphs. The beginning of the 1960’s is supposed to have been the birth of graph labeling. Most of the research study in graph labeling has initiatives to one introduced by A. Rosa. Essentially, there are two major kinds of labelings of graphs studied: quantitative labelings and qualitative labelings. The quantitative labelings have been inspired by ample diversity of applications in missile guidance coding technology, radar location coding, designing of circuits, X-ray crystallography, communication networking, astronomy, etc. One of the most beloved quantitative labelings is graceful labeling. V. J. Kaneria and H. P. Chudasama applied more liberty to vertex labeling in graceful labeling and introduced absolute mean graceful labeling. H. M. Makadia et al. introduced the concept of the graceful centre and universal graceful graph.