The role of dynamic stress radiographs in ankle fractures is primarily indicated in isolated trans-syndesmotic lateral malleolus fractures to assess competence of the deep deltoid ligament and to differentiate between SER-2 and SER-4 injuries, and therefore the type of management. Unless severe disruption to the syndesmosis is present, radiographs have been found to be a poor predictor of syndesmotic stability. The primary goal when treating ankle fractures is to restore the anatomical position of the talus within the ankle mortise and to hold this position until the fracture has united. Patients with diabetes mellitus have higher complication rates following both open and closed management of ankle fractures. Complications following open reduction and internal fixation of ankle fractures are uncommon. With regards to post-traumatic osteoarthritis, the incidence of symptomatic osteoarthritis requiring treatment with ankle arthrodesis or arthroplasty is low at 5 years.