In a large case series of 242 children with severe burns, all patients experienced significant hyper metabolism, muscle loss, bone mineral content loss, serum protein abnormalities, cardiac abnormalities, and insulin resistance. Between 5% and 35% of all patients with burns will also have some degree of inhalation injury, although over-intubation among burn patients is common. Circumferential chest, abdominal, and extremity burns can result in compartment syndrome with subsequent ischemia and tissue damage. Compartment syndrome typically develops 12–18 hours post burn and are associated with initial over-resuscitation in addition to circumferential burns. moderate acute ocular burns, where it was shown to rapidly restore corneal and conjunctival surfaces. While there have been advancements in biological dressings over the past 50 years, cost and accessibility remain prohibitive. The long-term effects of burn injuries and treatments are debilitating and distressing.