This chapter reviews the basics of carbon nanotube (CNT) transistor, sheds light on the critical issues that affect the performance of device, and updates the state of the art for CNT transistors. It also reviews in detail the flexible and stretchable CNT transistors including the material selection and the updated fabrication techniques. The chapter discusses the applications of CNT transistors in integrated circuits, display electronics, and bio-detection. Traditional methods to synthesize CNTs include arc discharge, laser ablation, and chemical vapor deposition. The CNT transistor functions as a gate-controlled electronic switch for both Schottky barrier CNT transistor and metal-oxide-semiconductor CNT transistor. Fabricating CNT transistors on flexible electronics is different from that on rigid substrate in many aspects. CNTs are promising candidates in micro-/nanoscale electronic applications. Metallic or unsorted CNT is an ideal candidate to work as electrode in flexible and stretchable electronics owing to its high conductivity and flexibility.