The chapter focuses on Python as language of choice for beginners in the Internet of Things (IoT) in reception of the fourth industrial revolution, as more devices become interconnected. The problem focuses on the rising popularity of the IoT. More devices, such as smart fridges and televisions, are being granted access to the internet. There is an increased demand of computer power on smaller and smaller chips. Hence, the language to teach for the preferred embedded systems, discussed in this chapter, is Python. A desk review literature search methodology was employed to collect relevant information. Henceforth, the viability of Python as a language of choice for beginners was assessed. The results highlighted issues such as programming language popularity; competitive advantages of Python for IoT development; and limitation of C/C++, and Python for IoT development. The discourse concluded that Python is the preferred language for beginners. It is recommended that due to the rise and popularity of internet and the information communications technologies (ICT) demands of the fourth industrial revolution, more research on computer languages like C/C++ and Python needs to be conducted.