These days, there are numerous advantages of utilizing the internet. However, there are plenty of dangers and risks too, which we should be aware of. One of these risks is cyberbullying. This is a kind of bullying that occurs online. It involves threatening, harassing, or humiliating a person through social network platforms like chat rooms, messaging apps, and even via email and websites. Cyberbullying can show either straightforwardly on the web or be a continuation of bullying that has occurred in the actual world (at school or in the youth club, for instance). Some of the most common kinds of cyberbullying include spreading rumors, posting humiliating photos or videos on social media, and creating fake profiles as well as websites that can cause problems to the victims. The idle way to tackle cyberbullying is to detect the signs and report it to an adult. With machine learning, we can detect and filter out aggressive comments and report those guilty. Certain methodologies with their proposed systems that are used by other authors are explained. This chapter outlines all the work involved in making a machine learning model learn about detecting and classifying cyberbullying text and describes the overall process.