This chapter deals with the medicinal and ritualistic plants used on Marajo Island and their chemical effects involved, in order to relate the pharmacological actions of plants and their effects on healing through phenomenological effects on native people’s beliefs in the use of plants in their religious rituals, which occur in rituals of the native communities. The quilombola and native communities are present to this day in Marajo region, perpetuating the traditional knowledge derived from their ancestors about phytotherapy together with their beliefs. Plants have been used to treat diseases in the Marajo Island since the pre-colonial period in Brazil, where the Indians lived and later with people who were enslaved from the African continent. There is no universal definition for ritualistic plants and these can be understood as those used in religious rituals, Umbanda, candomble, and shamanism capable of assisting in energetic, astral and physical restoration, in addition to enhancing our mediumistic tools through the energy of various herbs.