This chapter examines a literature review about the Croton genera and the variations in the chemical compositions and biological activities of the essential oils of Croton zehntneri according to the geographic regions. In the Northeast region of Brazil, Croton species are popularly known as canopies or quince trees. They are characterized by the presence of latex in their stems, produce essential oils with pleasant odors and are used for the most diverse purposes, including for medicinal use. The chapter highlights the concept of essential oil and inclusion complex with cyclodextrin. Plants synthesize essential oils as secondary metabolites and with bioactive properties. The formation of an inclusion complex with cyclodextrins is a way to control degradation and volatilization and has the advantage of increasing bioefficiency due to the ability to enhance absorption through membranes and biological barriers. The choice of the preparation method for the inclusion complex can affect the physico-chemical properties and physiological performance of drug delivery systems.