Various problems are caused by water retention such as hypertension, heart failure, hypervolenia, electrolyte disorder, etc. that are treated with the diuretics, which are first line antihypertensive therapy. They work on kidneys by increasing the concentration of salt and water that comes out through the urine. Further, salt will cause extra fluid to make up in the blood vessels and thereby raising the vital signs. Diuretics lower these signs by flushing the extra salt out the body along with the accompanying fluid with it. However, after therapy with these synthetic diuretics produce numerous negative effects on the human body which certainly create problems. As a result, the general population is gradually moving toward the herbal plants and prefers the usage of natural diuretic. This chapter comprehensively describes several natural medicines, which mainly come in the form of pill, tinctures, or herbal tea, that are at present employed as diuretics. A numbers of studies supported the diuretic properties of these natural medications. The chemical constituents present in these natural 44plant remedies play profound role in mediating the physiological interventions. The pharmacological perspectives of these hidden natural treasures in treating the assorted fluid retention issues have been reported. These natural diuretics have wide applications and are preferred by individuals owing to their safety, efficacy, and low cost price.