Fodder is the primary source for livestock to be nourished and perform their physiological functions efficiently. The most common plants used as fodder for livestock are maize, barley, sorghum, lucerne, berseem, oat, ryegrass, and rhode grass. To achieve the optimum performance level, continuous availability of good-quality fodder in sufficient quantity is mandatory, but it is challenging to get, especially during the winter season. The fast-growing inter-species competition in common needs like food and habitat is considered one of the significant hindrances along with quality of seed, suitable land availability for cultivation, water availability for irrigation, and good-quality forage conservation. As a result, livestock is compromised with its production and ultimately causes severe economic loss. To overcome these constraints, certain domains can be targeted effectively to minimize such losses, for example, management approach and tools, research and development of new varieties for cultivation, and the introduction of new and effective strategies.