The mechanism of mesoparticle modification reactions is considered with the application of such notions as charges quantization, phase coherence, interference, and annihilation. On the basis of theoretical mesoscopics ideas, the formation of covalent bonds because of the interference of negative charges quants in modification reactions is discussed. The hypothesis about possibility of annihilation at the interaction of positive and negative charges quants in redox processes is presented. The magnetic metal carbon mesoscopic composites synthesis (e.g., initial metal carbon mesocomposites) is realized by mechanochemical method of the grinding of metal oxides microscopic particles with polyvinyl alcohol macromolecules. 248Then, in the result, the copper or nickel carbon mesocomposites, which have the following atomic magnetic moments: for copper—1.3 µB, for nickel—1.8 µB, are obtained. The investigations are carried out on the analysis examples of processes of copper and nickel carbon mesoparticles modification by the compounds containing p, d elements. In the middle, substances such as polyethylene polyamine, ammonium iodide, ammonium polyphosphate (APPh), silica (SiO2), aluminium oxide, iron oxide, nickel oxide, and copper oxide are used. It is noted that the redox processes are accompanied by the metal atomic magnetic moments growth which is explained by the electron shift on high energetic levels because of the annihilation phenomenon. The hypothesis concerning the passing of two phenomena (annihilation and interference) at redox processes is proposed.