This chapter is dedicated by the discussion concerning to the investigation’s results directed on the designation of possible reasons of the nanostructures or metal-carbon mesocomposites influence decrease on the liquid media and polymeric compositions as well as lowering of positive effect on the properties of the polymeric material at the nanostructures introduction within polymeric compositions. The disturbance of phase coherence can be one of the main reasons for the nanostructure activity of the nanostructure activity decrease. The example of changes in mesoparticles’ sizes and their distribution on sizes in the dependence on z-potential for the medium, in which the thin dispersed suspension is prepared, are presented. The method of medium polarization estimation on the changes in peak intensities in IR spectra of mesoparticles suspensions is proposed. It is noted that the changes in media polarization character, which is determined on the peak intensity relations in IR spectra, is changed in the dependence on the quantity of mesoparticles in suspension, and also in depending on time of ultrasound cultivation, which is produced for the 256improvement of mesoparticles’ distribution in the suspension volume. These results are explained by the phase coherence disturbance because of energetic interaction of nanostructure field (the first case) or ultrasound field intensity changes (the second case). The decrease in positive effect or the absence of the nanostructured gas concrete or hard concrete modified by carbon nanotubes is possible owing to the polarization decrease and the phase coherence disturbance because of the polar component (water) removal from composition at the drying process.