Biofertilizers are best defined as biologically active products which add, conserve, and mobilize crop nutrients in the soil. In other words, they are substances containing living microorganisms, which when applied to seed, plant surfaces, or soil colonizes in the rhizosphere or the interior of the plant and promotes growth by increasing the availability of nutrients and PGRs to the host plant. Rhizospheres consist of thousands of microorganisms, but one specific organism for a particular crop and for a specific purpose are essential for improving crop growth and productivity. Our discussion sufficiently provides essential scientific facts and figures regarding the various plant microbes used as biofertilizers, and their interactions in various agroecosystems, which enhance crop production. The role of biofertilizers in the fixation or mobilization of nutrients, crop growth, overcoming various biotic and abiotic stress, needs special attention for enhancing production through a sustainable agricultural system approach.