‘Eric M Rogers of Princeton University stands before us as one of the few indubitable violations of the Law of Conservation of Energy. For the past quarter century there have been few AAPT meetings that have not been enlivened by his contributions of new ideas for elegant demonstration experiments, or graced by his subtle insights into problems of clarifying physical concepts for both science and non-science majors. Volumes of the American Journal of Physics contain numerous pages of his authorship. Physics for the Inquiring Mind, based on his famous course at Princeton, stands as a landmark among texts that convey a lucid, carefully correct development of the subject matter of physics, together with mature and sophisticated discussion of the intellectual facets of science—its origins, methods, glories and limitations. His handiwork and turns of phrase are to be found in both me text and films of the PSSC course for secondary schools. His leadership of the Nuffield Foundation Physics Teaching Project is having a forceful impact in Great Britain, and is now percolating to the United States and elsewhere around the world. The stamp of his ideas and insights is visible in the records and output of more national and international conferences on physics education than it would be practicable to mention. His vivid demonstration lectures at the Franklin Institute, at the Royal Institution, on television, and as a visitor in schools and colleges, have delighted and instructed countless individuals both old and young.