The magnetophonon(MP) effect, as manifested in the longitudinal magnetothermal emf (LME), has been observed for the first time in narrow gap samples of Hg1- x xCd xTe. The MP oscillations, seen in the magneto-Seebeck coefficient, have been described in terms of unresolved MP transitions involving both longitudinal optical (LO) HgTe and CdTe phonons for transitions withΔl > 1. The MP resonances attributable to the different LO phonons become resolved forΔl/ = 1. To interpret the data, a phase shift ofπt/2 to lower fields is applied to the calculated MP resonance magnetic field positions. The interpretation of the MP data involving both the HgTe and CdTe LO phonons is found to satisfactorily explain not only the present data but also past results in H1- x ^C x jTe obtained from both longitudinal and transverse magnetoresistance measurements. Previously, past results were described only in terms of the longitudinal optical HgTe phonon scattering and contributions from other Landau levels of differing spin states. Our results thus support the premise that the HgTe and CdTe LO phonons are also involved and possibly dominate in the scattering process which gives rise to MP resonances observed in narrow gap H1- x jC d xTe.