This chapter explores the value of Fatty Acids (FA) composition in fungal taxonomy, more emphasis will be placed on FA-based lipids. The FA-based lipids include relatively simple compounds such as FAs as well as more complex molecules, including phospholipids, glyco and sphingolipids, and the triacylglycerols, which are usually present as lipid droplets in fungal cells. The Zygomycota seem to have a close affinity with the protoctistan fungi since they produce sporangia as well as coenocytic hyphae, while the Dikaryomycota do not produce these types of sporangia and have septate hyphae. The FA composition of filamentous fungi is well established. Malfeito-Ferreira and co-workers examined the cellular FA profiles of several strains of yeasts associated with wine spoilage. A method has been developed to directly monitor the cellular long-chain FA composition of fungal biomass in a pilot plant aimed at producing bioprotein from Geotrichum candidum.