This chapter concentrates on isothermal titration microcalorimetry and HSDSC and mentions other related techniques that have been used. The calorimetric titration curves obtained from experiments with addition of concentrated surfactant solution to dilute polymer solution are compared with titration curves from surfactant dilution experiments without polymer. Differences between the two sets of curves are ascribed to polymer-surfactant interaction. The titrant solution is usually added stepwise in small portions in order to have a good control of the concentration of the reactants and to achieve the best accuracy in the measurements. Titration microcalorimeters have been developed and used primarily for biochemical titrations, particularly, protein-ligand binding processes and for the study of hydration of small hydrophobic molecules. The enthalpy of micelle formation varies strongly with temperature and so will the enthalpy of surfactant aggregation in the presence of polymer.