Reniform nematodes are rather cosmopolitan in distribution, occurring in a wide spectrum of habitats in most continents, attacking a wide variety of plants. False root-knot nematodes are rather restricted in their distribution, being found principally in South and North America. Female vermiform to kidney-shaped, often spiral when vermiform. Lip region higher than half the diameter of the basal lip annulus, with rounded or trapezoidal lateral view, continuous or rarely offset lacking longitudinal indentation. Body of mature female swollen or kidney-shaped. Cephalic region not as high as in Hoplolaiminae, continuous, with or without distinct annulation. Rotylenchulus reniformis is widely distributed throughout tropical and subtropical countries, attacking a large number of cultivated plants and fruit trees. Ayala and Ramirez compiled a biography on the host range and distribution of this nematode. The adult female of R. reniformis is an obligate, sedentary, semiendoparasite of roots while the male is nonparasitic.