This chapter deals with diffusion-controlled deactivation of excited states in micelles and similar self-aggregated structures. Diffusion-controlled reactions are very profoundly affected by a confinement of the reactants to small micelles, or by the reduction in dimensionality to quasi one- or two-dimensional systems which are met in long cylindrical micelles and membranes. The chapter considers the deactivation of excited states in a system of monodisperse micelles with randomly distributed probes and quenchers, when there exist mechanisms for the probes and quenchers to become exchanged between the micelles during the excited state lifetime of the probe. The decay curves at low chlorate concentration are typical for small micelles, which undergo an appreciable growth. The chapter discusses the curves for the highest chlorate concentrations. The basic model for the two-dimensional case considers an excited probe surrounded by a circular symmetric distribution of quenchers.