Vitamins are a group of organic substances of diverse chemical composition that must be provided in the diet in small quantities so that tissues may synthesize cofactors essential for various metabolic reactions. Vitamins become relevant in seizure disorders and their management by three different mechanisms: lack of some B vitamins such as pyridoxine or biotin causes seizures, antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) can cause deficiency states of vitamins D, K, and folate, and vitamins such as folic acid can alter the kinetics of AEDs. The classical presentation of pyridoxine dependency is intrauterine and neonatal seizures, which respond to pyridoxine and not to AEDs. However, the spectrum of pyridoxine-dependent seizures is broader than the classical description, and atypical cases have been documented. Folate levels in serum, red cells, and plasma and AEDs concentration were monitored concurrently in 50 nonpregnant subjects and 49 pregnancies with regard to the outcome of pregnancy.