Piracetam (2-oxo-l-pyrrolidine-acetamide) is a pyrrolidinone and a cyclic analog of gamma-aminobutyric acid. The effect of piracetam in certain types of experimental epilepsy has been variable. It can increase the threshold for pentylenetetrazol-induced seizures in rats. In rats kindled by injection of tetanus toxoid into the ventral hippocampus, however, it has no protective effect against myoclonic seizures through it does potentiate the effect of carbamazepine in experimental limbic epilepsy. Obeso and colleagues observed that oral piracetam in doses of 8 to 9 g/day markedly reduced action-sensitive or stimulus-sensitive myoclonus in five of five patients with myoclonus of various etiologics including postanoxic and multisystem atrophy with ataxia and epilepsy. Of note is that piracetam was helpful even in patients who were already maximally treated with drugs such as clonazepam and valproate. Acute confusion has been reported in one patient receiving 4-g intravenous doses.