This chapter reviews the research literature on biofeedback, relaxation training, and cognitive behavior modification treatment approaches for a range of functional gastrointestinal (GI) disorders. Biofeedback, relaxation training, and cognitive behavior modification are all plausible treatment strategies for functional GI disorders in which stress plays an important role in inducing or exacerbating symptoms. Thus, definitive support for the efficacy of this multicomponent cognitive behavior-modification treatment program in irritable bowel syndrome is lacking, although earlier studies comparing progressive muscle-relaxation training to medical management provide persuasive evidence of the efficacy of this approach to stress management. Relaxation training and cognitive behavior modification would be expected to reduce the number and/or intensity of pain episodes in patients who report that stress precipitates or exacerbates the condition. To date, no controlled studies of the efficacy of relaxation training, biofeedback, or cognitive behavior modification for levator ani syndrome or proctalgia fugax have been reported in the literature.