The term “to wean” would be that of accustoming or familiarizing the child with the family diet and during this period of weaning children pass from dominant milk feeding to a diet in which they receive solids. Weaning from the breast is the process of retiring the breast, which can be abrupt or gradual. In the former, it may be called complete weaning because the breast has been completely retired. Weaning foods are considered those that are used during the transitional period which is started with complementing breast-feeding, or formula with semi-solids or solids, and which finishes when the child receives a completely tablefood diet. The most important reason for the introduction of beikost in the infant diet is nutritional. The infant fed by the breast, or with infant formula, reaches a point at which his energy requirements are not being met. An interesting question is that of knowing the reasons why mothers start weaning, sometimes very early.