This chapter discusses the challenges, and presents an alternative 'ecological' framework regarding seated work posture. Three statements summarize certain current approaches to ergonomic seating: Each of these propositions can be challenged. Advantages of such passive adjustments include: However, this popular design introduces problems associated with stability and linkage. Mark and Dainoff and Moritz have analysed these concerns; their results are discussed below. However, it was emphasized that these principles were to serve only as guidelines and subjects were free to sit in whatever posture they considered most comfortable. A stability analysis was carried out across subjects within each of the four conditions. The large-scale introduction of computer technology into the workplace during the 1970s was quickly followed by an ‘epidemic’ of visual, musculoskeletal, and stress-related complaints. The passive ‘linked’ chair design attempt to provide operators with a simplified, ‘user-friendly’ chair that facilitates postural changes with a minimum of active adjustments.