The water quality protection field is undergoing major changes. The Federal Water Pollution Control Act (FWPCA) of 1948 was one of the first national legislative efforts to deal with water quality problems. The Clean Water Act (CWA) mandated water pollution control for both municipal and industrial point source dischargers, initiated a federal program for nonpoint source water pollution control, and required control of toxic pollutants. The 1987 Water Quality Act Amendments to the CWA have established a new direction. Under this legislation, the focus of water pollution control is turned back to the states. The federal grants program for municipal wastewater treatment works will be phased out in 1990 and a State Revolving Loan Program funded in its place through 1994. Wetlands have received wastewater discharges in numerous situations in the past, but only recently have they been recognized as a potentially cost-efficient treatment system.