The CEC (Commission of the European Communities) has promoted through the Shared Cost Action programme a collaboration among several European organizations to review the main results of national Source Term evaluations. The objective of this action was to contribute to a coherent definition of a programme for the Phebus F.P. (Fission Product) project, an integral in pile experiment on FP/aerosol transport in the reactor cooling system (RCS) and in the containment building (C3) to be realized in Cadarache (F) as a joint CEA/CEC effort. The programme intends to investigate relevant phenomena which take place in the main reactor components under sufficiently prototypical conditions, rather than to quantify the FP/aerosol retention during severe accidents. The comparison of the thermohydraulic and FP/aerosol transport calculations has shown that, beyond largely expected differences due to plant design, details of the accident sequences analyzed and codes utilized, some overall similarities may be found.