For the human race, neither terrorism nor tyranny are novelties. In the past, terrorism against tyranny and the doctrine of legitimate tyrannicide has been, and indeed still is, a morally-approved instrument of betterment. To combat the threat of the tyranny of terrorism, vigilance and action should be exercised now, before however remote a chance it might seem a surge of violence should cause panic and the institution of real repression. To mince words on the subject of terrorism is just to make a meal of human beings for the murderer and criminal. It is the essence and nature of organized terrorism to knowingly make impossible political demands; without that impossibility, terrorist leadership in itself is in constant danger of being outflanked or betrayed. Against organized terrorism, civilized man can only have one mission: it is to contain and destroy. It will not be the law or freedom which will have won, but terrorism which will have imposed an absolute tyranny.