Transfusion of blood or blood products to children and infants requires special consideration for a number of reasons. The following are the clinical situations in which blood transfusion may be indicated in children: blood loss; haemolysis; and chronic anaemia caused by a variety of different aetiologies. Autologous transfusion has become widely used in adult transfusion practice for elective procedures where 1–4 units can be collected in advance. Cell-saver techniques have also reduced the requirements for allogeneic blood transfusion. For a number of reasons, these are more difficult to translate into paediatric practice. The main uses of platelet concentrates in paediatric practice are as follows: marrow failure – support for children undergoing chemotherapy for malignant disease; cardiac surgery; and the sick neonate or child with evidence of disseminated intravascular coagulation, usually in an intensive care setting. There are many reasons for transfusion in the neonatal period, but preterm neonates receiving supportive intensive care from early gestation are an intensively transfused group.