The future of the Mining Industry in the 21st Century is appraised in terms of the factors that are commonly accepted as having most impact on its development and economic viability. The influence that macro political/economic factors have exerted in recent times, and will continue to exert, are examined with regard to their impact on industry performance. These include population growth, regulatory controls, environmental responsibilities and globalization. More directly related factors such compliance, educational training/research, exploration/development, mining/recovery practices are considered in terms of the performance of mineral deposits in general. Currently the economic performance of the mining industry remains poor relative to other industry sectors. The under-performance or failure of mining projects continues to be commonplace. Failure to make planned mining grade is emerging as one of the most significant factors contributing to this situation. The greatest challenge for the Mining Industry in the 21st Century will be to improve its profitability and regain its status as a creator of new wealth. The importance of greater geological understanding of mineral deposits to their definition and exploitation and the achievement of these objectives is examined.