Aim of this study is to evaluate pre and post operative sensorial and motor balance in myopic anisometropic patients performing laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK), in order to detect the cases that may actually benefit from refractive surgery and those in which LASIK could be useless or even harmful.

Ten patients with high myopic anisometropia (>4.5 D ) were enrolled in this study. A complete orthoptic examination was always performed pre- and post-operatively (six months). Eight patients performed uncomplicated LASIK. Two patients showing risk to develop a postoperative diplopia were left off surgery.

To prevent post-operative diplopia and/or angle deviation increase, a complete pre-operative orthoptic evaluation with contact lenses is recommended to simulate post-operative refractive changes. The importance of Red Glass Bar in evaluating the strength and the depth of binocular cooperation (normal or anomalous) or suppression is stressed