Objective: To evaluate if there are any Binocular Vision (BV) modifications after refractive surgery in patients with hyperopia or hyperopic astigmatism. Methods: Prospective study of patients with hyperopia or hyperopic astigmatism operated of refractive surgery between May 1999 and February 2002. There were 31 patients, aged between 18 and 59, who suffered a Refractive surgery with the Lasik technique. The preoperative study included: Best corrected visual acuity, cycloplegic refraction, motility evaluation, binocular vision examination, (Polarized Vectografic study, retinal correspondence and fusion amplitude with the Synoptophore, TNO Estereopsis). We re-evaluate the patients with the same protocol at 3, 6 and 12 months of follow up after surgery. Results: 1. Postoperative BV was similar or better than the preoperative data in 76% of the cases. 2. The modifications were not homogeneous in all the tests 3. There is a tendency to the endoforia after surgery. 4. Patients without strabismus had a situation similar or better than the preoperative status in 71,42% of the cases but only one had esoforia with transitory asthenopia. 5. In the group of patients with strabismus there was a small progression towards endophoria in an important number of cases (10/14), 2 of them aggravated mildly their strabismus. 3 patients with accommodative strabismus were compensated after refractive surgery, although one need them for reading. Conclusions: After refractive surgery we have found modifications of BV or Ocular motility in an important number of cases (24%), but most of them are not symptomatic after 12 months of follow-up. We suggest to evaluate preoperatively Binocularity with a completely Orthoptic Protocol.