Details of number, size and location of brood juveniles are reported for the cidarids Notocidaris gaussensis Mortensen, 1909, Notocidaris remigera Mortensen, 1950, Ctenocidaris geliberti (Koehler, 1912) and a Ctenocidaris sp.; and for the schizasterids Abatus ingens Koehler, 1926, Abatus (Pseudabatus) nimrodi (Koehler, 1911), and Amphipneustes brevisternalis (Koehler, 1926), from Prydz Bay and the MacRobertson Shelf in eastern Antarctica. Cidaridae and Schizasteridae species from eastern Antarctica, currently held in the Museum of Victoria, are listed. Observations are made on the systematics of these species.