Efficient management information systems are needed to provide decision makers with accurate and up-to-date information on company performance, to facilitate reliable assessment of performance and quick corrective actions, to efficiently communicate the data and information between various mines and entities that the company consists of. The system developed by Nadwilaska Spóka W glowa meets all these requirements. As a result it is being adapted by other coal mining companies in Poland thus contributing to improved performance of the Polish coal mining industry. The system consists of several subsystems, all interconnected and compatible for easy and efficient data transfer, processing and communications. The component subsystems include: (1) the mining one that collects data on mine performance, is used for development of mine plans and designs and for analysis of mine technical performance, (2) accounting sub-system with numerous modules that handle coal sales, invoicing and collections, and several other modules that control cost accounting and various financial operations of the company, (3) materials and inventory management sub-system that allows timely and cost effective provision of materials, spares and supplies, (4) personnel and Human Resources subsystems that collects data and develops information related to various aspects of personnel management, and (5) analysis and control sub-system that is used for analysis of various aspects of company performance and optimization of its performance. The systems use modern hardware and a system of interconnections and exchanges. Computer systems and installed in each of the mines and company’s operational units as well as in the central administrative unit. These are bundled into local area networks (LAN) and interconnected via high-speed broadband links. The system is also connected to internet to facilitate communications with suppliers, clients and various government agencies.