World headlines in the media, in recent years, have included tailings-dam failures and significant cyanide-spills. Presently, it is recognized that cyanides are essential for precious metal recovery from low grade resources with a substantial contribution to the world economy. However, simultaneously, search for alternative lixiviants is in progress, together with widespread, global anti-cyanide activism Health effects of cyanide compounds other than free-cyanide are often insufficiently addressed or remain not required for reporting to regulatory agencies. This paper addresses cyanidation-extraction byproducts and their long-term fates in the ecosystem Data show that a number of currently accepted cyanide abatement approaches can create long-lasting products that degrade at very low rates. It also underscores the need for research on the numerous long-term ecological and health effects of metal-cyanide compounds and complexes including their carcinogenic potentials.