In Ukraine there are seven salt formations with age from Devonian to Neogene. On accessible depth salt formations are located: in Transcaroathian depression as a salt domes (diapirs), in Neardobroudgea foredeep as a bedded deposits, in Dnieper-Doniets depression and north-western Donbass as a bedded and salt dome forms, in Nearcarpathian foredeep — as intensively dislocated fragmented bed-lens like bodies. Devonian (Upper Franian and Famenian) formations, Nikitovska suites of Lower Permian in Dnieper-Doniets depression and north-western Donbass, Neogene formation in Transcarpathian depression, Badenian formation in Nearcarpathian foredeep and Jurassic formation in Neardobroudgea foredeep are characterised with almost monomineral (halite) salt composition. Kramatorsk suite in Dnieper-Doniets depression and north-western Donbass as well as Prebadenian deposits of Neogene in Nearcarpathian foredeep (i.e. Vorotyshcha series and Balich suite) contain thick deposits of potassium-magnesia salts. The spread of these salts is not favourable for underground constructions.