The latter subdivisions might be considered as sites for the transduction of environmental and extra- or intragonadal forms of informational and nutritional input to the gametes. Since Ferguson has considered all currently recognized means of transport which might possibly bring nutrients into the gonads, the present chapter will be limited to a discussion of potential mechanisms of intragonadal nutrient receipt, storage, distribution and utilization in all classes of Echinodermata. The major constituent of this epithelium is a layer of interconnected flagellated-collar cells underlain by granule-containing perikarya and nerve tracts; muscle fibers which are thought to be specializations of the basal portions of some flagellated-collar cells have also been seen in the asteroids. The genital coelomic sinus is a fluid-filled space that totally separates the outer and inner sacs from each other in asteroids, ophiuroids, and probably in echinoids. Numerous studies of gametogenesis in both sexes of members of the Ophiuroidea have been made using light microscopy.