The widening of basic knowledge on citrus pests has involved a very vast sector which ranges from the Insects Homoptera and Thysanoptera to the Lepidoptera, Diptera, Coleoptera, from the Mites to the Nematodes, from fungal, bacterial, viral diseases to weeds. The economic aspects of proper phytosanitary protection in citrus groves have also been examined, and a lack of information has been found. There is certainly still much to be done and above all an operational infrastructure, which is lacking at present, is needed, but the author believe that it has become evident to everyone that it is feasible to protect citrus groves with efficient and selective means, as part of a rational integrated control. The direction taken by the activities promoted in the European Countries by the Commission of the European Communities in protecting citrus groves, as the author described in the opening session of this meeting, has thus been confirmed.