In recent years, there is an increasing tendency towards traditional medicine, motivated by the occurrence of harmful effects of chemical drugs on human health as well as the various deficits of modern medicine in treating some diseases. Piggybacking the global success of Brahmi (Bacopa), ashwagandha, turmeric and tulsi, fenugreek is perfectly positioned as new frontrunner with substantial and convincing scientific and clinical support building around it.

The list of potential health benefits of fenugreek is continuing to grow with new clinical evidence. Fenugreek has antidiabetic, antifertility, anticancer, antimicrobial, antiparasitic, lactation stimulant and hypocholesterolaemic effects which have been tested and verified through many clinical studies. Therefore, fenugreek, which possesses phenolic compounds, bioactive amino acids, glycosides and antioxidant activity, could be a good candidate for an herbal drug. Despite the impressive scientific and clinical profile of fenugreek, consumer understanding is still in its infancy and promoters of this herb need to focus on this important commercial hurdle.